Closing Count

Table of Contents

Go to: #

  1. Inventory -> Closing Count -> Add Closing Count
    • 1.1. Using Stock Counter
      • You can calculate the Inventory by:
        • All
        • Specific Category
        • Group of Categories
        • Group of Items
    • 1.2 The period is not limited.
      • Please, Pay attention to select the day of Calculating Inventory… It will affect your Shortage/Over Calculation. The day you select from calendar. The Time is – “The Start Time of your Store”.
  2. Please, follow the instruction:
    • I. Send the Reference file to the stock counter:
      • In POS Manager:
    • 1. Export the Reference File

3. Please,select Yes or No:

4. Plug in the Stock Counter to the Computer, and press <Ok>

5. Please, click <OK>:

  1. Transferring the count to the computer
    • Connect the stock counter to the cable
    • Go to Inventory->Closing Count-> Add Closing Count Select the day of Closing Count
    • Press the button “Apply from Stock Counter”

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